Friday, August 6, 2010

After Class Twelve

I just want to say thanks to our last presenters:  we heard about moral conflict in the workplace, the toll it takes on helpers and ways to manage stress.  Next we examined competition and the positive role it can take in schools as preparation for life while being sensitive to balance and its use in appropriate actiivities. Then we heard about the banning of headscarves in France and how the emphasis is more on a legal/rights of the individual vs. multicultural point of view.  Next we looked at the ethical implications of evaluating teachers, especially those in their first classrooms.  Last, we learned how ethical choices in the curriculum can help move students out of Plato's cave of ignorance. 
We've learned a tremendous amount from hearing all these papers and I thank you for your efforts.
Please continue to add lesson plans to the previous blog posting and feel free to contact one another to obtain the full plan.  I will leave this blog on this site indefinitely :)
Well, we did it!  It's been an incredible semester and I will miss our class.  Enjoy the rest of the summer!  You deserve it. 